Cru is…
an inter-denominational Christian ministry that holds to historic Christian beliefs including the authority and inspiration of the Bible, the Deity of Christ, the Trinity, and salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone.
A detailed doctrinal statement can be found here.
While we do ask that students who lead with Cru affirm these core beliefs, we also invite involvement from students who do not share our particular theological perspective.
You are welcome in Cru regardless of your background or beliefs.
That every student could Know God, grow in their faith, and go to the world
Our Mission
To create movements of Christ-centered laborers in every area of campus who own and understand the Gospel, have a vision to reach people for Christ, make disciples who make disciples, and are experiencing life changing community.
WIN students and faculty to Christ.
BUILD them up in their faith.
SEND them out to reach the world.
History of Cru
Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) is an interdenominational ministry that was established in 1951 at the campus of UCLA by Bill and Vonette Bright. Cru is committed to fulfilling the Great Commission by winning people to Christ, building them up in their faith and sending them out to win and build others. There are over 1,100 campus ministries nationwide and Cru has a ministry presence in 191 countries.